Spelunky classic for mac
Spelunky classic for mac

spelunky classic for mac
  1. #Spelunky classic for mac for free#
  2. #Spelunky classic for mac code#

That hurts the morale, and sparkles some thoughts about whether you did something wrong, or overlooked some crucial flaw. What is it to check mail, timelines, and activity feeds every morning only to find that seemingly nothing happened about your work? I wouldn't say that any of people contacted were ultra-large figures, and I did have responses to all of my messages, but process of waiting was dreading. What was my mistake then, that I have tried to reach out to several people that I would like to see playing my modification, and that could probably suggest things that could be changed to make it better. It would no longer randomly crash under odd circumstances, population of bugs took a huge hit, and was generally quite alright. Somewhere by mid-April, the game did work considerably well. Game sessions would last for hours, with bugs being written down and fixed every day. Somewhere in the process I've also posted this tweet, which, to my surprise, actually gained a fair of attention, certainly helping morale as well:Īnother thing to morale was constant testing, which, due to newly gained online multi-player nature of game, was actually also pretty entertaining.

#Spelunky classic for mac code#

Migrating source over two major versions of the program is already no easy task, and, while I wouldn't say that game is poorly written (neither it is possible to foresee all possible changes to the development tool), after being migrated over to GameMaker: Studio, in some cases the code would behave slightly unexpectedly at best.ĭealing with these two things included changing thousands of lines of code, and spanned several weeks. Enemies will not chase the second player, traps will not trigger, and overall it will seem that second player is merely a ghost or a product of imagination.Īnother thing that I did not consider was migration bugs. So, what happens when you add another player? Nothing considers it. There's only one instance of player, and game does it's best at working with it.

spelunky classic for mac

The best I've found did somewhat work when testing locally (hinting that it could work on local networks), but would completely glitch out when attempting to test over internet.Īnd, of course, it did include a small but most important flaw that became a stumbling stone in my own work.Īs I have already mentioned, the original game is single-player. Over the years of game's existence there were multiple attempts. To take a pause here, this isn't the first time that someone tries to add multi-player support into Spelunky Classic. What I did not consider, was that socket and packet wizardry is not the only obstacle for a game transitioning from strictly single-player to online multi-player. Perhaps a surprise, but online multi-player was smallest amount of work to do, taking about 5 days (along with the most basic tweaks to have the game running in GameMaker: Studio). Least did I know what that "over the weekend" will turn into. With it being late Friday night, I've said that I'll look if I could plug in some basic support over the weekend. Later it was noted that original Spelunky Classic is open-source, and how some of my approaches to online multi-player could work for it too. Precisely, even average (200ms) round-trip times result in having almost half of second input latency, which, basically, means that you are not going to play any real-time games efficiently.

spelunky classic for mac

Not to say a lot, but that doesn't work if participants are located in different countries. One of which is `Color Ninjas`, that I'm making with Max ( one of discussions, we recalled about several of our attempts to play local multi-player games (including Spelunky HD) over TeamViewer. This involves several solo and collaborative projects, Since the late 2013 I am experimenting with small online multi-player games.

#Spelunky classic for mac for free#

You can get it now for free (and it doesn't take a lot to get running).Īs silly as it sounds, this project has started somewhat. It also adds a bunch of things that weren't there. If you don't feel like reading through this somewhat lengthy post about my experiences, here's a brief summary: Today, I am proud to announce the first public release of this project.Īnd this is a blog post about my experiences. It is a pretty broad project, implementing a number of fixes and improvements to the original game, and, most importantly, adding a 2-player cooperative online game mode. If you've been following me on the social networks, you may already know, that for the past three months I was working on a Spelunky Classic modification called Spelunky SD.

Spelunky classic for mac